
We’re in Love with Jenny Reyes’ Geronimo
Friday, February 6, 2009, 12:37 k
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Check out the new high-end beach wear line by Geronimo, a new collection and labor of love by up-and-coming designer Jenny Reyes. You are probably already very familiar with her work and just don’t know it yet. She has designed the stunning stage outfits for Jenny Lewis on her last 2 tours, styled for many magazine and video shoots, and amassed a growing list of press in such major publications as Rolling Stone and Under the Radar (where Geronimo was first featured).



The debut line features corset fitted tops, vintage fabrics, high-waisted shorts and bathing suits that are a throw back to the beach party days of Gidget with a modern twist.


Jenny Reyes has been designing clothes since her teens, drawing on her love for fashion and learning the trade from her grandmother. She spent the past few years touring across the US with Rilo Kiley and Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins. It was living in this creative environment that inspired her to take the next step forward from designing clothes for friends to starting her own line.


The line will be going into select high-end boutiques this spring, but can also be ordered directly by emailing here.

Take a look at some more of the line after the cut.


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